Mentorship Program

Mentorship Program

Mentoring is one of the most rewarding ways that makes a lasting impact on anyone's life. As a mentor, you provide the youth with an opportunity to develop skills, and receive guidance and much-needed support that they would otherwise not have.

We offer a variety of ways to get involved as a mentor:

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Group Mentoring

Students at Maisha Yangu Center meet in small groups with mentors once a week during school holidays. Areas of focus include goal-setting, school engagement, decision making, relationships, and life skills. They also have one-on-one sessions with a counsellor who provides counseling services.

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School Mentoring

Students in grade 6, 7, and 8 from a select number of schools in Kawangware slum meet with members twice a month. Mentors use curriculum as a guide. Mentees receive support, guidance, and encouragement and learn important life skills.

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One-on-one Mentoring

Volunteer mentors are matched with students who are registered with the Maisha Yangu Organization. The volunteers commit to being a mentor for a minimum of 1 year to foster long-term and trusting relationships. The matches are carefully made according to the life experiences, interests, and aspirations of both program-categories

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